Microencapsulation Food Services Definition Applications Manufacturer, methods, technology, process, and products
Hemp seed oil powder micro-encapsulation is transferring hemp seed oil form into powder form. Transforming into powder form can help to increase its water solubility, improve stability, and release slower for better effectiveness.
What is Microencapsulation definition?
Microencapsulation is defined as a technology for the packaging of particles of finely ground solids, droplets of liquids, or gaseous materials with the help of protective membranes also called shell or coating. (Ref. : Prof. Bojana Boh, University of Lubljana)
What is Microencapsulation process?
There are 5 steps of the microencapsulation process. Thee five key steps are: 1) Materials 2) Emulsification 3) Embedding 4) Spray granulation 5) Agglomeration. For the details,please check the fig on the right.
Why use Microencapsulation technology?
Traditional Products weakness
low water-solubility
low bioavailability
hard to pre mix
easy oxidation
poor taste
Microencapsulated Products benefits
Improve stability to light, heat, oxygen, PH, extend the shelf life, less volatile, better water-solubility, convenient transport, and storage.
Instant: Better instant using multistage agglomeration of small particles.
Slow Release: Gradually release of core materials after progressive decomposition of pure whey protein.
What is Microencapsulated Range and application?
ChinaHemp offer microencapsulation service for you, the range and application covers below fields in the table.
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Microencapsulation products
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